viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Banco de la Republica is known as the principal monetary bank of colombia . Their system is contruct  in a way that the  bank will help trying to reduce the inflation of the country . These information was given by the university Nacional , that says "en Colombia, a partir del año de 1990 fue constituida la Junta Directiva del Banco de la República como autoridad monetaria, cambiaria y crediticia del país, desde ese momento el diseño de la política monetaria se ha orientado a reducir la inflación". These bank is construct in a way that mostly all people have opportunity to ask for a loan , the just need a way to respond in case they could not pay .

 Banco de la Republica has five different policies which they follow in order to be the best bank for Colombis . These information was recollect from the official Banco de la Republica web page.
  1. Actuar como banco del Estado.
  2. Controlar la emisión de moneda.
  3. Recibir consignaciones y otorgar préstamos a los bancos comerciales y al Gobierno.
  4. Manejar la política monetaria (control de la inflación) y financiera del país.
  5. Efectuar las transferencias de divisas con los demás países del mundo, entre otras funciones.   

  These two banks have some similarities and differences. i want to talk of the one that reflects most the importance an role of each bank. The USA Bank is interest in lending the same money of the persons that lend to the bank , in these caise the people will have some monetary benefit. In the Banco de la Republica , their are more interest in just lending the money and earning from the interest they gave to the people. These is a important diffference between the two banks.



Banco de la republica.Un banco Central.2013Banco de la republica, colombia.. April 4/2014.

 Universidad Nacional De Colombia. Economia General. Constanza Montoya Restrepo.
April 4/2014.

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