miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Light bulb conspiracy Its a famous documental, that talks about the interest of some companys in grow their amount of sells. This film can be related with the Food Inc documentary because both of them show the strategies the companies make to be the most sell product. In Food Inc the try to show that some Food companies try to get moré Food por lees amount of price to sell it moré expensive and they earn moré money.

Campanies like Apple aré moré interest un selling the product that the part of the product. Them sugestione the costumer to buy the new product , and replaicing the old one. The problem with companies like Apple is that when they do their product they créate a life period of funcionability. They do tejía just to push persona to buy the lástima edition of amy product. The sad part of Big companies is when they get in the top of ecónomy they do watever Its necessary to atay their.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Four Horsemen is a winning documentary , which explains  in simple way how the world really works. one of the most important aspects in this movie is the way it criticizes  the fractional reserve banking system. It shows the way this system destroy or will destroy the economy of the society who used it. These film it not only criticizes the actual banks system it also try to make understand people that the classical economics is the solution of the destruction its occurring in society.
This documentary shows that the principal problem in the fractional reserve banking system is that even though the big companies who loan money are earning a good profit , its not like a real success. All this money that this system is using is just imaginary money , money that doesn't exist. Many times this money can be taken or disappear . This Type of economics show that mostly all time when banks loan money they really loan money that they even don't have , si its money with out existence.

some problems that this system can bring to our life now or in a future is the elimination of loans , because they are not possible under a clean and effective system. the importance of contemplating this problems is that the faster we determine which is the problem and consequences it have using it the faster you can fix it.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Banco de la Republica is known as the principal monetary bank of colombia . Their system is contruct  in a way that the  bank will help trying to reduce the inflation of the country . These information was given by the university Nacional , that says "en Colombia, a partir del año de 1990 fue constituida la Junta Directiva del Banco de la República como autoridad monetaria, cambiaria y crediticia del país, desde ese momento el diseño de la política monetaria se ha orientado a reducir la inflación". These bank is construct in a way that mostly all people have opportunity to ask for a loan , the just need a way to respond in case they could not pay .

 Banco de la Republica has five different policies which they follow in order to be the best bank for Colombis . These information was recollect from the official Banco de la Republica web page.
  1. Actuar como banco del Estado.
  2. Controlar la emisión de moneda.
  3. Recibir consignaciones y otorgar préstamos a los bancos comerciales y al Gobierno.
  4. Manejar la política monetaria (control de la inflación) y financiera del país.
  5. Efectuar las transferencias de divisas con los demás países del mundo, entre otras funciones.   

  These two banks have some similarities and differences. i want to talk of the one that reflects most the importance an role of each bank. The USA Bank is interest in lending the same money of the persons that lend to the bank , in these caise the people will have some monetary benefit. In the Banco de la Republica , their are more interest in just lending the money and earning from the interest they gave to the people. These is a important diffference between the two banks.



Banco de la republica.Un banco Central.2013Banco de la republica, colombia..http://www.banrep.gov.co/es/contenidos/page/un-banco-central. April 4/2014.

 Universidad Nacional De Colombia. Economia General. Constanza Montoya Restrepo. http://www.virtual.unal.edu.co/cursos/sedes/manizales/4010043/lecciones/12monedypolmonet2.html
April 4/2014.

Fractional reserve banking system as the name says it is a way in which a bank gives the opportunity to the people to loan the bank with the difference of having an advantage of earning a percentage of the money they put at the beginning. first we have to example that mostly all the money a country has doesnt exist , their is no physical representation of this money. In USA 97% of the money is digital. mostly all the money loan s digital from one account to another .

The video of Fractional reserve banking system  show as that the money has some value because the goverment and the same people give it . if they didnt do that it would just be a munch of paper. People decide to put their money in a bank because each time the bank lends money they use the same money of the people using their service. for example i put one hundred dollars in an account . what the banks do is they take omeny from my account so im loaning the bank , they only can take me 90% of my money letting a 10% there. then the bank will give me bank my money but giving an extra money . This is in someway how the Fractional reserve banking system works. Hope you understand.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Palestinian president threatens to go to UN 

As the name of this news found in http://www.aljazeera.com "Mahmoud Abbas signs request to join several UN agencies in move that could derail US bid to salvage peace talks" these means that the president of palestine have decide to rebuld some peaceful talks with Israel. we can also find in this newspaper that it their are some theories that the president have decide this just beecause a secret presure of US over Palestine. 

The have agree to make a peacefull trait during nine moths . these time have been given in order to try to find a solution between the two countries. believe or not they have start to fix their relation by the release of prisoners . The Palestinians agreed to refrain from seeking membership of international bodies and from pursuing legal action against Israel during the nine months of talks that US Secretary of State John Kerry launched in July .In return, Israel agreed to release 104 long-serving Palestinian prisoners. (aljazeera, april 1). these information can show us that they are really interest and will be working in create a complete trait of peace between the two countries involve.

Aljazeera. Palestinian president threatens to go to UN. april 1/2014. Jazeera and agencies. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/04/palestinian-president-threatens-go-un-20144117636830614.html. April 1/2014

FOOD INC. as the name says relates to food, but it also is the name of a relevant movie that explains the problem that many person through the world are suffering by buying and eating these type of food. I refered to " these type of food" because that is how we can call a mutation of what supposedly have to be food that is good for our self  . The powerfull companies like tayson , which are the leaders of food production , have alterate the properties of our food. After saying this we can find the first relation between FOOD INC and economics . we can see that relation in the way that a company tries to get more money by producing more food by less amount of money. The only problem that these have is that , by trying to improve their company production they get worse in the quality of their products.

Believe it or not FOOD INC  a movie of te reality of were our food come from , can be related with Race. The division of some people psychical characteristics is denominate Race and these race in some cultures divide the power of a person in society. Power is related with money the less money you have the less amount of food of high quiality you can buy. if the amount of money you have isnt enough you have to buy for example Tayson Foods , which the only good it makes to you is stoping you of duying of not eating nothing. one of the problems it give you is that even though it stop yo from dying it will kill you later. the reason of who this information and different topics relate is a little confusing but it do and it haves a huge impact on society.