jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Venezuela is pasaing through one of the worst moments of their history but they have to live and pass through this experience in order to became a better country. The 12 of january was the official reunion of the opposition . The first ones to revolt were the students . They get tired of the corrent condition in their country.

Venezuela has been in constant problems siince the gocerment of Carlos Andres Lopez. In his management the goverment was more interest in helping the wealthy people. The family and person which were poor were like divide from the other person. The goverment of Carlos Andres Lopez wasnt rally interest in helping poor people.

Later on in 1998 Hugo Chavez take the control of venezuela after being in jail. He was mostly interested in help poor people, thus is one of the reasons of why he got so popular.since then the country has been in many ptoblems. Eventhough the ruler of venezuela has chenge their ideal are the same.

Venezuela is passing through many acts of revolution. This is also causing more problems to the people bacause in the protest their have been many deaths. Hopefully in some days the goverment of venezuela well get tired of saying the desth of their people and they will have a change in their acts to stop corruption. Good luck venezuela.

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Hello my followers. My name is Nicolas Eduardo Ramirez Martinez im a 18 years old boy from Bucaramanga, Colombia. I want to welcome all of you to my blog , the place were you will read all my different perspectives of topics of our society. Hope you enjoy it